Sunday, 1 November 2009


Today i installed the headset, bottom bracket and cranks! polished the stem up as much as it would go and i think its looking really nice. All that's on my wanted list now is some bar tape a single speed cog and a chain!

Handles still look a bit ropey but some nice bar tape is gonna cover that up! :)

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Bike paint!

Got this in a text the other day as JP has received my frame from the powder coating place!

looks good cant wait to get it in my hands this weekend and start putting it all back together..

Friday, 11 September 2009

water fountain toothbrush!

Check out this on gadget lab, it makes splashing your face like a dog when brushing your teeth a thing of the past. I think it looks amazing!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Fish eye fun

My latest invention is gaffa taping a fisheye onto a disposable, both individually create effects i love so coupled they make for some beautiful images, ill post some up soon!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Seeing as I don't have a blog archive i thought I'd add some stuff i have lying around on my hard drive that's never seen the light of day...

This is a picture form the lazy oaf blog of their celebtables contest (vegetables made to look like celebrities!) mines Aubergine Simmons.. he won securing me some nice lazy oaf product!

Woodworm was one of my skate deck designs that never made it out of my computer but here it is, The idea was it comes with a sticker sheet so you can customize each worm to your own liking. that way you get the fun of stickering your board but its all in theme with the original graphic plus you can swap with your mates!

tree man was another idea for a skate deck it got canned before i even put it in situe though! Still, he was fun to draw!

In other news, I've been hitting as many skate parks, or bowls, as i can recently.. there's the one i ride as often as i can in Sutton..

But on my way to Norfolk a couple of weeks back i rocked by what would have been a gem in the middle of nowhere, which i half expected not too exist and if some scumbags hadn't burned the bottom out it would have been a right laugh. A local kid told me they dumped a moped in there and set fire too it. Of all places! I had a ride though and just tried to stay high and turn around it... Pretty much the weirdest bowl I've skated but It's worth a look.

The other project is a Bike I picked up from a listing on freecycle. Its a 1980's peugeot racer! wasn't in amazing condition when i got it but its not going to be like that for long..

Stripped it down ready for a powder coating and new everything else... its gonna be sick!

That's it really..

Saturday, 22 August 2009

I'll sort this out soon and start blogging...
